What You Will Learn:
Imagine where you will be after three days…
Magic happens when a group of soul-centered, heartfelt entrepreneurs get together with intention and purpose. If you have felt like there is still something MORE for you, then you owe it to yourself to find out what that is before the years continue to pass by.
She has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, The View, FOX Chicago, TEDx, The Today Show, and Katie Couric. Her writing has appeared in: The New York Times, Forbes, Good Housekeeping, and Parenting. She’s the author of five books and has been nominated for a national book award and ELLE magazine Book of the Year.
Wendy Babcock is an International & TEDx Speaker, Author and the Paid Stage Speaker Coach.
Wendy started her speaking career on the paid stages presenting A Complaint Free World when she became a Certified Complaint Free Trainer through Will Bowen’s training program. She went on to create a global movement called The Kindness Bucket Brigade to help stop online bullying by adding more kindness to the world. This movement became the inspiration for her TEDx talk.
Her initiatives have gained recognition from prominent publications such as Reader’s Digest and The Wisconsin State Journal and have led to appearances on major television networks like ABC, NBC, and Fox47, shining a light on her passion for promoting kindness and empowerment through positive communication.
Wendy, also known as The Paid Stage Speaking Coach, has become a sought after expert helping female entrepreneurs add profitable speaking to their business to create another stream of income.